Snake/Salt River Basins

The WSGS, in partnership with the U.S. Geological Survey, has completed its study of the Snake and Salt River basins, a project for the Wyoming Water Development Commission. The 424-page publication includes color graphics and foldouts. Geologists conducted a full assessment of the aquifers of the Snake and Salt River basins as well as a small tributary watershed in Idaho. They also estimated and mapped water-related information, and evaluated other related studies and groundwater models for the final published report.

With its headwaters in Wyoming, the Snake River is the largest tributary of the Columbia River, which ultimately empties into the Pacific Ocean. The Salt River, named for several exposed beds of salt and briny springs, drains Star Valley in Lincoln County in western Wyoming. Both the Salt and Snake rivers enter the east end of Palisades Reservoir near Alpine, Wyoming.

The report is available online at the WWDO Snake/Salt River Water Basin Plan website.

link to Snake/Salt River Plans


Kurt Hinaman,