Wyoming's Oil & Gas Facts


Photo of Mike Murphy, who drilled the first oil well in Wyoming. From Shoshone Pathfinder, 1906.

Natural Gas

Wyoming's Oil & Gas Reserves

Oil & Gas FAQ

How do I obtain information on oil or gas wells drilled in Wyoming?

All oil and gas well information is maintained in a database by the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (WOGCC). The database is accessible at the WOGCC data website.

Who regulates the oil and gas exploration and production industry?

Drilling and production on Wyoming State Lands and on private lands are regulated by the WOGCC. Drilling on federal land is regulated primarily by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management or the U.S. Forest Service.

I own property in Wyoming with mineral rights. How can I learn if oil, gas, or other minerals may be on my land?

The WSGS is not in a position to evaluate properties. However, there are many consulting geologists throughout the state that can help answer this question. Consulting geologists can be found locally or often advertise in the newsletter published by the Wyoming Geological Association. Certified professional geologists are licensed by the Wyoming Board of Professional Geologists and a list is maintained at their website.

I hear so much about “fracking” in the news but don’t really understand what it is. Where can I find more information?

Fracking is another term used for "hydraulic fracturing.” Hydraulic fracturing involves pumping a mixture of water, proppant (sand or artificial material), and chemicals under very high pressure into an oil or gas reservoir to create a network of connected fractures that increases hydrocarbon production. More information on hydraulic fracturing can be found on websites by the Association of American State Geologists, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Watershed Council, and American Petroleum Institute.

Is there a repository for cores and/or cuttings in Wyoming?

No. All publicly available cores and cuttings for Wyoming (as well as other states) are stored either at the USGS Core Research Center in Lakewood, Colorado or at the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology in multiple locations in Texas. Contact these agencies for more information.

Do you have any information on historical oil production in Wyoming?

WyoHistory.org published an article on “The Oil Business in Wyoming” by Phil Roberts detailing how oil production in Wyoming began and evolved.

The Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission maintains scans of individual well production prior to 1978 in their database.

Where can I find more information on statistics for Wyoming’s oil and gas industry?

Further information on oil and gas statistics, including production, prices, and more, can be obtained from the following downloads or website:

What other agencies might have useful Wyoming oil and gas information?


Rachel Toner, rachel.toner@wyo.gov

Derek Lichtner, derek.lichtner1@wyo.gov