WSGS News Releases
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March 11 - The Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS) has released the 2025 update to its interactive oil and gas map, enhancing public access to well data, production insights, and geospatial resources.
WSGS Publishes Annual Uranium, Oil and Gas Summary Fact Sheets
Feb 3 - The Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS) has released its annual summary of uranium, oil, and natural gas activity in Wyoming, now presented as concise fact sheets for a clear, at-a-glance view of industry performance.
2024 News Releases
Wyoming State Geological Survey Releases New Map of the Firehole Canyon Quadrangle
Dec 23 - Explore the newly released Preliminary Geologic Map of the Firehole Canyon Quadrangle, showcasing the region's complex geology and its significant historical formations.
Earth Science Week 2024 Toolkits Available - The WSGS offers 50 complimentary toolkits to Wyoming classrooms
Sept 26 - Earth Science Week toolkits are available to Wyoming teachers on a first come, first served basis.
Sept 11 - The Wyoming State Geological Survey and U.S. Geological Survey have released high-resolution radiometric and magnetic data from a geophysical survey of the Medicine Bow Mountains, providing vital information to support mineral exploration and research on the region’s geologic framework.
New Information Pamphlet about the Geology of the South Pass Area
June 25 - A new information pamphlet offers information about the geology in the South Pass area.
May 14 — The WSGS has launched a new website featuring a modern look and easier access from a mobile device.
Radon Data now Available on Interactive Map
April 29 — The WSGS added new layers to its interactive geologic hazards map that make it easier to visualize radon potential in the state.
WSGS and USGS Announce Release of High-Resolution Geophysical Data for Central Wyoming
February 14 — This survey is among the first of such datasets to be made publicly available in Wyoming.
Uranium and Oil and Gas Annual Summary Reports
January 9 — Two annual reports recap 2023 for the uranium and oil and natural gas industries in Wyoming.
2023 News Releases
New Information Pamphlet about Sinks Canyon State Park Geology
December 19 — A new information pamphlet offers information about the geology in Sinks Canyon State Park.
New Publications on Critical Minerals are Available
December 7 — Two new WSGS scientific reports focus on critical mineral occurrences in paleoplacers throughout Wyoming.
New Public Information Circular Focuses on Helium
October 30 — A new WSGS publication, Helium in Wyoming, is available.
WSGS and USGS Announce Completion of 2 Geophysical Surveys in Wyoming
October 2 — The geophysical surveys flew in central and southeastern Wyoming over the summer.
Earth Science Week Toolkits Now Available
September 14 — The 2022 Earth Science Week toolkits are available to Wyoming teachers are on first come, first served basis.
WSGS Develops Interactive Map of Wyoming's Mineral Resources
August 7 — A new WSGS online map makes it easier to research Wyoming's mineral resources.
WSGS Publishes New Map of West Half of The Ramshorn Quadrangle in Northwest Wyoming
June 8 — A new WSGS map depicts the geology of one of the state's most landslide-prone regions and offers new insights into the recent geologic history of the area.
WSGS and USGS Team Up to Study Mineral Resources in Central Wyoming
April 27 — The collaborative effort will collect a large swath of geophysical data in central Wyoming to better understand the area’s geologic framework for critical and other essential mineral resources.
Interactive Oil and Gas Map of Wyoming Update
April 20 — The Interactive Oil and Gas Map of Wyoming has been updated to reflect new oil and gas wells, changes to fields, and modifications to hydrocarbon processing facilities such as refineries and gas plants.
Geologic Map of the Phantom Lake Quadrangle
January 26 — The new 1:24,000-scale geologic map is of the Phantom Lake quadrangle in the Medicine Bow Mountains of southeastern Wyoming.
Oil and Natural Gas Summary Report
January 12 — The report offers a recap of the state's oil and gas industry in the last 12 months.
2022 News Releases
Report, 2 Maps Focus on Central Laramie Mountains
October 31 — The three publications are part of a program assessing critical mineral resources.
Earth Science Week Celebration Planned for Oct. 15
October 4 — The WSGS and UW Geological Museum are celebrating Earth Science Week with a free event.
Earth Science Week Toolkits Now Available
September 29 — The 2022 Earth Science Week toolkits are available to Wyoming teachers are on first come, first served basis.
The WSGS Publishes Map of Wyoming's Precambrian Basement
August 10 — A new map depicts the structural configuration of the Precambrian basement in Wyoming.
The WSGS Publishes Map of Oil Mountain Quadrangle
June 28 — A new map depicts the bedrock geology of the Oil Mountain quadrangle.
The WSGS Publishes Map of East Half of Jackson Lake Quadrangle
June 8 — A new map depicts the surficial geology of the east half of the Jackson Lake quadrangle.
New Interactive Map Features Wyoming's Geothermal Data
May 31 — A new online map created by the Wyoming State Geological Survey makes it easier to research geothermal groundwater systems, such as hot springs, and other geothermal data for the state.
The WSGS Updates Groundwater Atlas of Wyoming
April 20 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey updated its online Groundwater Atlas of Wyoming that now includes datasets involving oil and gas field water production and injection.
The WSGS Publishes Study about Groundwater Salinity in Wind River and Bighorn Basins
April 12 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey published the final study in a series that examines water quality in selected Wyoming energy-producing basins.
March 31 — In celebration of the 150th anniversary of Yellowstone National Park, the Wyoming State Geological Survey developed an interactive web map showcasing some of the roadside geology along different routes throughout the state on the way to Yellowstone.
January 24 — A new study by the Wyoming State Geological Survey examines groundwater level responses in the Tertiary sandstone aquifers associated with coalbed natural gas production in the Powder River Basin.
The WSGS Releases 2021 Summaries of Wyoming's Oil, Natural Gas, and Critical Mineral Resources
January 11 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey released two reports that provide brief status updates on recent and future developments in the state’s hydrocarbon and mineral industries.
January 6 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey released a new report on the geochemistry of samples from the Kemmerer coal field. Open File Report 2022-1, by Kelsey Kehoe, Garrett Gay, and Janet Dewey, is part of a statewide effort by the WSGS to study potential occurrences of critical and economic minerals in Wyoming.
2021 News Releases
WSGS Publication Receives National Award
December 2 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey has received the Association of American State Geologists’ 2021 Charles J. Mankin Memorial Award for their publication titled “Upper Cretaceous Strata in the Powder River Basin: Formation Tops Database, Structure and Thickness Contour Maps, and Associated Well Data”.
The WSGS Publishes 2 New Geologic Maps from the Central Laramie Mountains
November 4 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey published bedrock geologic maps of the Poe Mountain and Guide Rock 1:24,000-scale quadrangles, located in the Laramie Mountains in southeast Wyoming.
October 18 — The Wyoming Office of Homeland Security and the WSGS are encouraging residents to participate in the upcoming Great Wyoming ShakeOut.
Earth Science Week 2021 Toolkits Now Available
October 12 — Toolkits are provided by the American Geosciences Institute.
Earth Science Week 2021 is Oct. 10–16.
October 5 — In place of the annual Wyoming ROCKS! event celebrating Earth Science Week in October, the Wyoming State Geological Survey, University of Wyoming Geological Museum, and Science Kitchen partnered to offer Water Science Boxes to Wyoming students.
The WSGS Study Examines Critical Minerals in Heavy-Mineral Sandstone
July 20 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey published a new study examining the mineralogy and geochemistry of a heavy-mineral sandstone deposit in southwestern Wyoming.
The WSGS Releases the 2021 Version of the Interactive Oil and Gas Map of Wyoming
July 8 —The Wyoming State Geological Survey has released updated editions of the map every 5 to 10 years, illustrating the growth of and changes to one of the state’s most important industries.
New Geologic Maps Published Under STATEMAP Program
June 15 —Richards Gap, West Half of Jackson Lake, Goat Mountain, and Rock River quadrangles are published.
Fossil Fish Festival Kits Available to Wyoming Students
May 11 —Kits containing educational activities about Wyoming fossil fish are available complimentary to students across the state.
The WSGS Publishes Oil and Natural Gas Study of the Greater Green River Basin's Subsurface Geology
April 29 —The study establishes a baseline dataset for the stratigraphy and geometry of potential unconventional reservoirs.
The WSGS Publishes Hot Springs State Park Pamphlet
March 18 —Hot Springs State Park is known for world-famous mineral hot springs, travertine deposits and "red beds."
The WSGS Publishes Boysen State Park Pamphlet
January 28 —Boysen State Park is the latest spotlighted in a series of information pamphlets about geology in Wyoming’s state parks.
The WSGS Releases 2020 Snapshot of Wyoming's Oil & Gas Resources
January 19 —The latest Oil and Natural Gas Resources of Wyoming report outlines the significant events that occurred in Wyoming’s oil and natural gas industry during 2020.
2020 News Releases
The WSGS Publishes Study on Groundwater Salinity in Greater Green River Basin
December 14 —This report is a continuation of a series that considers groundwater salinity, which is one method to determine the quality of water for various uses.
November 3 —The new postcard is available online and at the WSGS office on the University of Wyoming campus in Laramie.
The WSGS Completes Major Update to Online Grounwater Atlas of Wyoming
October 26 —The map offers groundwater datasets from public sources and WSGS products.
Residents Encouraged to Practice Earthquake Preparedness in Upcoming ShakeOut Drill
October 1 —The Wyoming State Geological Survey is encouraging residents to participate in the annual Great Wyoming ShakeOut drill on Oct. 15.
The WSGS Offers Earth Science Week Toolkits
September 23 —The WSGS is once again offering complimentary toolkits to science classrooms across the state in celebration of Earth Science Week 2020.
The WSGS Publishes Study of Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy of PRB
August 17 —A new study from the Wyoming State Geological Survey aims to better understand the Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy of the basin’s unconventional tight oil and gas reservoirs, their source rocks, and intervening formations.
The WSGS Releases Reanalyzed NURE Geochemical Data
June 29 —The Wyoming State Geological Survey released geochemical data from a reanalysis of archived stream-sediment samples originally collected under a federal uranium exploration program.
The WSGS Publishes Report on Groundwater Salinity in Wyoming
June 4 —The Wyoming State Geological Survey published a report that examines the salinity of groundwaters that occur throughout Wyoming.
The WSGS Launches Interactive Map Detailing the Geology of Yellowstone
May 28 —The Wyoming State Geological Survey released an interactive map that will provide an opportunity to view datasets relating to the geology of Yellowstone National Park.
The WSGS Publishes New Geologic Maps
May 13 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey released five new geological maps of areas in southwestern and northwestern Wyoming.
The WSGS Releases New Bedrock Map of Chugwater Quadrangle
April 21 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey published a new geologic bedrock map of areas covering several counties in southeastern Wyoming and western Nebraska.
The WSGS Publishes Buffalo Bill State Park Pamphlet
March 12 — Buffalo Bill State Park is the latest spotlighted in a series of information pamphlets about geology in Wyoming’s state parks.
The WSGS Releases Annual Summary Reports
January 16 — The reports highlight Wyoming's energy industry during the last couple of years.
New Information Pamphlet about Glendo State Park is Available
January 8 — The pamphlet describes geology in Glendo State Park in eastern Wyoming.
2019 News Releases
The WSGS Studies Groundwater Resources in Wyoming
December 3 — The study details groundwater resources in the Powder/Tongue/Northeast River Basins.
The WSGS Publishes Information Pamphlet about Edness K. Wilkins State Park in Central Wyoming
October 24 — Pamphlet describes geology in Edness K. Wilkins State Park.
The WSGS Publishes Information Pamphlet about Bear River State Park in Southwestern Wyoming
October 16 — Pamphlet describes geology in Bear River State Park.
Earth Science Week Celebration is Oct. 19
October 7 — Event celebrates how geology connects to everyday life, past and present.
New Oil and Gas Map of Wyoming Published
September 26 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey releases updated map of oil and natural gas resources in Wyoming.
Earth Science Week Toolkits Now Available
September 9 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey offers 50 complimentary Earth Science Week toolkits to Wyoming teachers.
New Information Pamphlet About Keyhole State Park's Geology
July 23 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey publishes new information pamphlet highlighting geology in Keyhole State Park.
New Report About Gas Hills Uranium Mining District
July 18 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey publishes new report focused on geology and history of Wyoming's top-producing uranium mining district.
New Geologic Maps Published under STATEMAP Program
June 1 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey releases new maps of Garden Gulch and Horatio Rock quadrangles.
New Wells Boost State Oil Production to Highest Level in 25 Years
June 4 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey updates Interactive Oil and Gas Map of Wyoming.
May 30 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey publishes statewide landslide susceptibility map.
Update Made to Expansive Soils Layer on Online Geologic Hazards Map
May 14 — The WSGS updates statewide expansive soils layer on interactive geologic hazards map.
New Information Pamphlet Shares Geology in Guernsey State Park
April 30 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey publishes information pamphlet about geology Guernsey State Park.
New Tool to Evaluate Wyoming's Mineral Resources
April 23 — The WSGS creates model that evaluates Wyoming's mineral resources.
April 3 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey publishes new map of Teton fault in northwestern Wyoming.
The WSGS Investigates Influences on Production in Powder River Basin
March 6 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey publishes study about oil and natural gas production in the Wall Creek and Turner reservoirs in the southern Powder River Basin, Wyoming.
Report About Coal Resources in South-Central Wyoming Now Available
February 12 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey publishes study about coal resources in the Great Divide and Washakie basins.
January 10 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey develops online interactive map of geologic hazards in Wyoming.
January 3 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey publishes three summary reports about Wyoming's oil, natural gas, and coal resources; critical minerals; and geologic hazards.
2018 News Releases
New Pamphlet about Seminoe State Park's Geology
October 16 — The WSGS publishes information pamphlet about Seminoe State Park's geology.
'Wyoming ROCKS! The Art of our Geology' Event Happening Oct. 13
September 27 — The WSGS and University of Wyoming Geological Museum are cohosting the event in celebration of Earth Science Week.
Rare Fossil on Display at Wyoming State Geological Survey
September 18 — The WSGS is hosting an open house for the rare mammal fossil discovered near Kemmerer, Wyoming.
Earth Science Week Toolkits Available
August 23 — The WSGS is offering Earth Science Week toolkits to 50 junior high classrooms in Wyoming.
Mines and Minerals Map of Wyoming
August 7 — The WSGS launches online interactive Mines and Minerals Map of Wyoming.
New Pamphlet about Curt Gowdy State Park's Geology
July 20 — The WSGS publishes information pamphlet about Curt Gowdy State Park's geology.
June 20 — The WSGS publishes geologic maps of the Gas Hills and Albany quadrangles.
Online Oil and Gas Map of Wyoming is Updated
June 18 — The WSGS completes another update to its online Oil and Gas Map of Wyoming, the second since the map launched nearly two years ago.
New Study on Groundwater Salinity in the Powder River Basin
May 22 — The WSGS publishes a report on groundwater salinity in the Powder River Basin.
Rare Mammal Fossil Discovered in Wyoming
April 27 — A fossil discovered near Kemmerer, Wyoming, may be the first of its kind and is the largest mammal found to date in the 50-million-year-old Green River Formation.
2017 News Releases
Evaluation of Selected Wyoming Silica Sand Deposits as Potential Sources of Proppant: WSGS RI-75
December 19 — The WSGS publishes a report on various silica sand deposits in Wyoming.
New Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphic Correlation Chart for Wyoming now Available
October 16 — The WSGS publishes Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphic Correlation Chart for Wyoming, which is a new tool for online studies of unconventional reservoirs.
Earth Science Week Event Happening Oct. 14
October 2 — The WSGS and UW Geological Survey are hosting an event, "Wyoming ROCKS! To the Moon and Back," Oct. 14 in celebration of Earth Science Week.
3 New Geologic Maps Now Available
September 29 — The WSGS publishes 3 new geologic maps of areas in Carbon and Fremont counties as part of its StateMap program.
Earth Science Week Toolkits now Available
September 13 — The WSGS is now offering Earth Science Week toolkits to Wyoming junior high science teachers.
New WSGS study on Codell Sandstone oil production trends in Laramie County, Wyoming
May 8 — WSGS publishes preliminary study on Codell Sandstone oil production in northern Denver Basin of Laramie County, Wyoming.
First Update Made to Online Oil and Gas Map
April 20 — WSGS completes first update to online Oil and Gas Map of Wyoming since its launch in July.
New Groundwater Atlas of Wyoming Now Available
March 21 — The WSGS launches online Goundwater Atlas of Wyoming that brings together groundwater information from several agencies.
New WSGS Report on Groundwater Level Changes in the Powder River Basin
March 7 — The study examines groundwater level responses in sandstone aquifers associated with coalbed natural gas production in the Powder River Basin.
How Knightia Became the Wyoming State Fossil
February 16 — The story behind how Knightia became the official state fossil 30 years ago as recalled by teacher involved in the effort.
Fossil Fish Festival is Feb. 18
February 6 — The Fossil Fish Festival is in celebration of Knightia, the extinct fossil fish that has served as Wyoming's State Fossil for 30 years.
Jade Display in Honor of 50 Years as Wyoming State Gemstone
January 12 — More than 50 pieces of jade on display at WSGS in honor of 50 years as Wyoming's state gemstone.
2016 News Releases
December 1 — The WSGS develops model to estimate groundwater baseflow, publishes results.
Earth Science Day Celebration Happening Oct. 15
October 3 — The WSGS and UW Geological Museum will celebrate earth sciences with event Oct. 15.
September 23 — The WSGS publishes 5 new geologic maps of quadrangles in Natrona, Carbon, Sublette, Lincoln, Teton, and Fremont Counties.
Earth Science Week Toolkits now Available
September 6 — The WSGS is now offering Earth Science Week toolkits to Wyoming junior high science teachers.
Uranium Public Information Circular
August 24 — The WSGS publishes public information circular on uranium.
August 15 — The WSGS publishes updated Oil and Gas Map of Wyoming.
Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Potential of Lance and Fort Union Formations in South-Central Wyoming
August 10 — The WSGS publishes a report on stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of formations in south-central Wyoming.
July 18 — The WSGS publishes a report on zeolite resources in Wyoming.
July 6 — The WSGS now offers an online, interactive oil and gas map.
June 30 — The WSGS recently published a report on rare earth elements.
Groundwater Salinity in the Denver-Julesburg Basin
April 27 — The WSGS recently published a report on groundwater salinity in the Denver-Julesburg (D-J) Basin of southeastern Wyoming.
Sinkholes and Karst Features in the Southern Laramie Basin
April 11 — The WSGS recently published a report on the occurrence of sinkholes and other evaporite related karst features in the southern Laramie Basin, including in and around the city of Laramie.
Wyoming’s Potential Lithium Resources
Feb. 5 — The WSGS recently published a report on Wyoming’s lithium (Li) resources, an important mineral used in the production of rechargeable batteries, aluminum, cement, glass and ceramics.
2015 News Releases
Wyoming Phosphate Rock Shows Potential for Mining
Nov. 23 — Wyoming hosts numerous occurrences of phosphate rock, which is a natural resource crucial to global food security, according to a new report published by the Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS).
New Wyoming Guide Explores Culture Through a Geology Lens
Oct. 29 — From the Oregon Trail to Paleo-Indian red ochre mines, Wyoming has many sites where culture and geology merge and stories unfold. The Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS) has released a new “intelligent travel” program, which includes a free driving map, videos, and interactive website.
New Geologic Maps Illustrate Investigations of Energy Resources and Geologic Hazards
Oct. 22 — The Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS) has published three new geologic maps under its StateMap program. These maps are based on extensive fieldwork and focused on the geology related to energy resources and geologic hazards in Wyoming.
Wyoming Earth Science Week Includes Passport to Learning
Oct. 1 — “Visualizing Earth Systems,” this year’s theme for Wyoming Earth Science Week, Oct. 10-16, explores what it means to see our planet through eyes informed by the geosciences.
New Geologic Signage Installed Off Snowy Range Scenic Byway
Sept. 3 — The public now has the opportunity to learn about the geology of the Medicine Bow Mountains while driving along the Snowy Range Scenic Byway in Albany County, Wyoming. Two new interpretive signs were recently designed by the Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS) and installed at prominent lookout points along the byway, thanks to a cooperative effort between the agency and the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests.
WSGS Publishes Report on Wyoming’s Potential Iron Deposits
Aug. 27— The Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS) recently published a report on Wyoming’s iron (Fe) resources, an important mineral used in the production of steel. Previous iron mining efforts have contributed to Wyoming’s economy, with the potential for the state to once again become an iron-producing state, given the right conditions (iron prices, global demand, etc.).
WSGS Releases Geologic Study on the Great Divide Basin
July 29— New research on the Lance and Fort Union formations has allowed geologists to better define the extent of the coal-bearing strata and potential natural gas reservoir rock in the Great Divide Basin of Wyoming, according to a recent study by the Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS).
WSGS Publishes Maps Under Legacy Program
April 9— The Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS) has launched Wyoming Legacy Maps, a program for the release of newly published maps based on the agency’s past geologic mapping efforts.
WSGS Publishes Report on Groundwater Recovery from Coalbed Natural Gas Development
Feb. 27— A new Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS) study found that recovery of groundwater after coalbed natural gas development is related to the hydrologic properties of an aquifer and the amount of water pumped out of a coalbed during peak production. The WSGS study examined the Upper Wyodak coal zone of the Powder River Basin in Wyoming.
WSGS Energy Reports Discuss External Impacts to Production
Feb. 13— Wyoming is well known as one of the nation’s top energy producing states, but this notoriety can come at a price when it comes to volatility in energy markets and other factors, which can then have an affect on production and state revenues.
Famed geologist Dick Jones dies at 67
Jan. 30—For some people, the simplest measure of a meaningful life is their work. This is true for Richard W. Jones, retired coal geologist and editor of the Wyoming State Geological Survey, who died at the age of 67.
2014 News Releases
Jan. 21, 2014—WSGS Releases CBNG Groundwater Monitoring Report Update
Feb. 26, 2014—Wyoming’s Geologic Wonderland Provides Energy for the Nation
April 23, 2014—Platte and Bear River Groundwater Resources Boosted by Record Snowpack
May 19, 2014—Cook Lake Recreational Area/Black Hills National Forest Closed for Public Safety
May 20, 2014—WSGS Launches New Energy Resources Website
July 21, 2014—WSGS Study Shows Snake and Salt Rivers Are Healthy
Aug. 7, 2014—WSGS Releases Geologic Map of the State
Sept. 22, 2014—WSGS Releases Study on Potential Link Between Injection Wells and Earthquakes
Sept. 30, 2014—WSGS Publishes Three New Geologic Maps
Oct. 9, 2014—WSGS Provides Classroom Lessons for Wyoming Earth Science Week
Oct. 13, 2014—WSGS Publishes Field Guide to Some of the World's Best Ancient Stromatolites
Dec. 29, 2014—WSGS Releases CBNG Groundwater Monitoring Report Update