Director's Office

Erin Campbell

Director and State Geologist

Erin Campbell, Director and State Geologist

The Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS) holds a unique and important role in Wyoming. The state is dependent on geology for its revenue from energy and minerals, as well as for tourism, agriculture, and wildlife, which are all affected by geologic and hydrologic issues.

The WSGS is a Separate Operating Agency under the executive branch of state government (W.S. 9-2-801, 9-2-803 through 9-2-810). The WSGS's purposes are:

The WSGS is the geologic watchdog and advocate for the people of Wyoming. The agency's stated mission is to promote the beneficial and environmentally sound use of Wyoming's vast geologic, mineral, and energy resources while helping protect the public from geologic hazards. By providing accurate information and expanding knowledge through the application of geologic principles, the WSGS contributes to the economic growth of the state and improves the quality of life of Wyoming's residents.

The WSGS has an advisory board that helps formulate and direct agency policies and programs. The board consists of the governor, a University of Wyoming member appointed by the university president, the state oil and gas supervisor, the state geologist, and five appointed members.

In addition, the state geologist serves as a commissioner on the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (W.S. 30-5-103) and as a board member of the Wyoming Board of Professional Geologists (W.S. 33-41-107). Director Campbell also serves as a member of the Wyoming Consensus Revenue Estimating Group (CREG) and as a member of the Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute (EORI) Commission, at the University of Wyoming.

Advisory Board


Mark Gordon—(Governor) State of Wyoming

Tom Kropatsch—(Supervisor) Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission

John Kaszuba—(SER Professor of Geology) University of Wyoming

Erin Campbell—(State Geologist) Wyoming State Geological Survey


JoAnn True—Casper, Wyoming (President)

Lisa Lindemann—Cheyenne, Wyoming

Robert Tilden—Gillette, Wyoming

Benjamin Schiffer—Sheridan, Wyoming

Notice: Upcoming Advisory Board Meeting

The Wyoming State Geological Survey Advisory Board will hold its next quarterly meeting at 10 AM on March 13, 2025, in Laramie. Board members are requested to save the date. For more information, please contact the WSGS at (307) 766-2286.