GIS Data - Wyoming's Groundwater
Geothermal Data (zip)
A combined download of the primary geothermal datasets from the Wyoming Geothermal Map. Includes thermal springs and wells, geothermal heat estimation, borehole temperatures, deep enhanced geothermal system potential, estimated temperature at depth intervals, and mean surface air temperature.
Wyoming Aquifer Characteristics (zip)
A compilation of hydrostratigraphic designations (aquifer, confining, etc.) based on United States Geological Survey (USGS) research from WSGS groundwater technical memoranda for the Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC), on the framework of 1:500,000 scale bedrock geology.
Baseflow as Recharge (zip)
A raster dataset of modelled baseflow representing recharge from a study by the WSGS.
Saline Groundwater (zip)
A quality controlled dataset of saline groundwater samples that occur throughout Wyoming from a study by the WSGS.
Well and Spring Permits (zip)
A comprehensive download from ePermit of Wyoming State Engineer's Office groundwater well permits and spring permits compiled by county, current as of 9/1/2023. As is, no alterations made to data.
Data Disclaimer
Users of this map are cautioned against using the data at scales different from those at which the map was compiled. Using these data at a larger scale will not provide greater accuracy and is a misuse of the data. The Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS) and State of Wyoming make no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the use, accuracy, or completeness of the data presented herein, or of a map printed from these data. The act of distribution shall not constitute such a warranty. The WSGS does not guarantee the digital data or any map printed from the data to be free of errors or inaccuracies. The WSGS and State of Wyoming disclaim any responsibility or liability for interpretations made from, or any decisions based on, the digital data or printed map. The WSGS and State of Wyoming retain and do not waive sovereign immunity. The use of or reference to trademarks, trade names, or other product or company names in this publication is for descriptive or informational purposes only, or is pursuant to licensing agreements between the WSGS or State of Wyoming and software or hardware developers/vendors, and does not imply endorsement of those products by the WSGS or State of Wyoming.
Jim Stafford,