Geologic Mapping Program

Geologic maps provide information on the geologic structure and stratigraphy of a study area. They are a crucial component in the evaluation of energy, mineral, and hydrologic resources of an area. Geologic maps published by Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS) geoscientists disseminate new data collected in the field and synthesize data from existing maps, reports, and investigations. WSGS geologists use a multi-disciplinary approach to geologic mapping, including remote sensing, structural geology, stratigraphy, and geochronology to name a few. Geologists and Geographic Information System (GIS) specialists at the WSGS use a variety of GIS software programs to publish digital geologic map products.

WSGS mapping is conducted at 1:100,000 and 1:24,000 scales. The agency is working toward mapping the entire state at the 1:100,000 scale. Areas of special interest are commonly mapped at 1:24,000.

Published geologic maps can be accessed on the Publication Search page.

Read about mapping projects in progress on the WSGS Projects page.

Blind Bull Sample
Sample mapping from the Blind Bull quadrangle.


Since 1994, the WSGS has been an annual participant in the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP)—State Geologic Survey Mapping (STATEMAP) Component. The primary objective of this program is to establish the geologic framework of areas that are vital to the welfare of individual states. Each state geologist determines the state's mapping priorities in consultation with a State Mapping Advisory Committee. These priorities are based on state requirements for geologic map information in areas of multiple-issue need or compelling single-issue need and in areas where mapping is required to solve critical Earth science problems, such as land management or energy development.


Ranie Lynds,