Wyoming's Oil & Gas Basins

Wyoming State Geological Survey geologists track Wyoming's oil and gas production within the state’s individual basins. These fault-bounded basins formed between basement-cored mountain ranges during the Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene Laramide orogeny (~80–55 Ma). Basement-rooted reverse faults on the basin margins created up to tens of kilometers of vertical offset. The primary Laramide basins in Wyoming are the Bighorn, Denver, Greater Green River, Hanna, Laramie, Powder River, Wind River and Shirley basins.

Stratigraphic Nomenclature Chart of the Laramide Basins, Wyoming

Correlation of the Upper Cretaceous Strata of Wyoming, 2017

Map of Wyoming's oil and gas basins. [Credit: WSGS]


Rachel Toner, rachel.toner@wyo.gov

Derek Lichtner, derek.lichtner1@wyo.gov