Bear River Basin

Between 2001 and 2006, the Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC) completed individual water plans for each of Wyoming’s seven major river basins. The first water plan completed during that period was for the Bear River Basin (Forsgren and Associates, 2001) and included an available groundwater determination in Technical Memorandum O. The 2014 Available Groundwater Determination presented in this report updates and expands the previous technical memorandum with a new compilation of information and represents the most current assessment of the groundwater resources of the Bear River Basin.

link to Bear River Plans

Bear River Basin Water Plan Update Groundwater Study

The Bear River Basin is an important river drainage in southwestern Wyoming. This publication represents an intensive collaborative effort among water resource professionals from the WSGS, the WWDO, and the U.S. Geological Survey. Additional contributors include the Wyoming State Engineer’s Office, the Water Resources Data System at the University of Wyoming, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, and the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. The authors have worked to provide the people of Wyoming with the most current and complete compilation of groundwater information available in a format that is understandable to water professionals and citizens alike. Basic concepts of groundwater science are included in chapter 5.

Downloadable files containing this report and previous memoranda for the Bear River Basin are available online at the WWDO Bear River Basin Water Plan website.


Kurt Hinaman,